Corporate A/V needs
There are many facets of technology that can make a corporate business thrive and increase employee productivity. Happy employees make for happy production which creates happy margins. Sound Masking for instance helps buffer the noise floor of a business where many phone conversations may be taking place. A productive work environment can further be enhanced with background music (distributed audio) to keep the day flowing along. Distributed video can keep employees informed of production read outs, digital signage, or current news feeds, depending on the nature of the company. Depending also on the size of the company, paging systems can be quite useful. Rather than leaving one's work station in order to walk or run to the warehouse to get someone on the line or ask a question, a simple page can be placed allowing employees to stay on task. Furthermore, corporations have reported wasteful expenditures on air travel, hotel expenses, and per-deim by sending employees to distant cities for meetings that could have taken place in just a few hours via a video conferencing system set up in the main board room, at a mere fraction of the cost.